Tomato, Tomaato

does it really matter?

part 1

Published by ms.parker on Saturday, November 21, 2009

She yelled after him, begged him to stop. But he was already out of earshot. She fell on her knees, and sobbed uncontrollably. What? How? Why? these questions kept shooting back at noone but herself. She was drowning. Drowning in a puddle of mysteries. The worst part was the unknown. She didn't have a clue why she was suddenly lying on the pavement, left all alone.

Withered, lost, lonely, and left to die. Did it really matter, though? The brown haired man who had taught her to live had abandoned her. He had taken with him, every ounce of faith, hope and love that he had ever instilled in her. What was now left of her was a lifeless, immobile body.

She couldn't seem to muster the strength to even budge an inch. She sobbed, as on-lookers shot her worried, pitiful looks. She didn't care. She was oblivious to everything around her. Her tear soaked pink face, unkempt hair  that blurred her eyes, and a white flannel shirt that showed signs of scraped blood. The stench was unbearable.

Published by ms.parker on Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I just HAD to blog again.

18 november 2009. Day of surprises for Nobia Parker. Sigh.

After what happened (refer prev post) on twitter, I tagged along with bhabi for shopping at centrepoint mall. ( you don't need telling twice =P) and guess what? 40% off at Splash, Max, and Shoe Mart. Sighhh. I bought 3 tshirts and these really delicate slippers. I am so hyper!!

I got home and when Sanjana added me on Facebook, i realized she knows my good friend/mooh bola bhai Nabil Mukadam. No, seriously. Tell me you people. Isn't this just. a bit. just a wee bit. TOO WEIRD?

somebody lend me some crack.

EDIT 1: and now its RAINING! in NOVEMBER! =S

Luck by chance =D

Published by ms.parker on Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No seriously, how often does it happen that you become friends with someone completely random and they turn out to be your classmate from that li'l tiny unheard-of school you used to go to?


But here you go. It happened to me. Sanjana Sharma, this amazing female I met on I know her for more than a month now. Who would've known that she could possibly have even heard of Holy Cross High School, Kurla? I mean, what are the odds right?

But siiigh. Life's strangely, funnily amazing at times. I was podcasting about my childhood when i happened to mention HCHS. All it took Sanjana was to listen to that podcast. and We went hyper-crazy trying to guess which batch we were both from.

And she uploads this 2nd grade pic, which solved it all.

Sigh. I know, i'm chubby. but i'm cute! =P But just look at the wonders of social networking! I started HYPERventilating when i saw the picture! I haven't seen this pic in like, what, 13 years?
This was followed by me and her fumbling to remember people and things from back then. Aahhh noone will EVER really understand how this feels. =D except sanjana ;)

To @SanjanaSharma , I wish we both were a li'l social-er at that time and actually knew each other! That would've been out of this world. But so is this. This by-chance walla coincidence, i am loving it.

You know how I feel!

*Squeals with joy*

Almost like kumbh ke meley mein bichhdey hue sathi! ;)



Published by ms.parker on Friday, November 13, 2009

39.7 degrees celsius. boy, i was hot.

*munches on cloves*

Strangely, it doesn't taste all that bad anymore. If it as much as kills the sharp pricky-ness in my throat, it works for me.

Ever felt like you were going to choke your lungs out into your lap? Or rather, wished that it would happen so the coughing would end? Maybe not. Not a nice feeling though, i'll bet on that.

I actually felt like I was going to die. The only thing that kept me in the 'real world' was my neighbor's murga.
I used the word cock, and then I backspaced it. And ermm yes, mentioning that was unnecessary.

Ahm, so anyway. I was almost going to complain to them about how loud it was and that I couldn't sleep, but I didn't. And now, it pays back by being the one thing that kept me sane.

Oh and guess what? nobody called me =( I haven't SPOKEN for 2 entire days. I was trying to podcast but I kept messing everything up. I feel SO disconnected right now. Sigh, So much for concerned friends >__>

Oh well, Hello once 'gain, real world!

P.S- After publishing this, i thought this post should totally be renamed as 'murga'. =D and so i hereby declare myself a vegan. Not.

Random ramble #1

Published by ms.parker on Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Whats that light i see here
is that a ray during my night
through my clouds
i see rainbows
a dash of colour in my white
oh how easily you are mislead
dont believe what you see
they say
and nothing is what it seems
they say
and they are right.
and i know this is my imagination
a mirage
you have been gone forever
and are never coming back
you have been gone too long
my love
so long, that you've left me
with no choice but to believe
that this may well be the end
but if you're back
i would never be able to
and i wouldn't be able to
So let me be, don't drag me
to this fork in my path
for i cant seem to go on now
with, or without you.